Review: God @ Work (Mark Greene)
If you are reading this review on the Sabbath, then I would like to wish you a Sabbath filled with thanks for the Bible - the living word of God.
This week’s review is for the program God @ Work.
Fun, fast and full of stories, in these two creative 20-minute films, Mark Greene uses his ten years of experience in international advertising to provide a stimulating Biblical introduction to God's view of work and an inspiring, practical vision for ministry and evangelism in the workplace.
Mark Greene, starts out with a powerful verse from the Bible - Colossians 3:23-24.
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, 24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.
He goes on to explain where we get work from, how God worked and how work is connected to ministry - all based on Bible principles.
Mark gave a alarming figure of as much as 50% of people have never heard a sermon on work. I know I haven’t - have you? Mark does an excellent job at explaining how God has placed us where we are for a reason, and so everything we do, if it is in line with His word, can be used for ministry. Amen!
This reminds me a podcast I did on the 15th December for a different program called God is at Work. There was a pastor who met people at their work place, to get to know more about what they do and advise and pray with them about their work. This pastor understood that we can’t compartmentalized our faith - dropping it off at the work place door as we start our jobs. Mark Greene also understands this, based on scripture and does a very good job in these videos of explaining why God is interested in everything we do and how everything we do should be for God’s glory. He uses 2 Corinthians 5:17 to challenge us to think of how our faith should be at the centre of our lives and influence everything we do and everywhere we go.
Mark Greene has a lot of good reflection about prayer, gifts God has given us to use for His glory, difficult topics that are not being discussed in the church meetings - just a lot of really good information! In addition, he has personal testimonies to share, that are very inspiring.
The last part of focus on the needs of the people around us and how we can be more aware of witnessing to them. Mark explains six levels of being a witness.
He has some inspiring and thought provoking comments towards the end, which summarize the whole message he is trying to convey. Although Mark has a light tone all the way through these videos, the weight of the message is clear.
God @ Work is inspiring, informative and a must see.
I watched God @ Work on Vision Video’s YouTube channel,
Thank you for reading this review. Until next time - peace be with you.
Thumbnail: Vision video
Video link: