Review: Creation Moments - Evidence Videos
If you are reading this review on the Sabbath, then I would like to wish you a Sabbath filled with the confidence that God is on your side.
This week’s review is for Creation Moments - those one minute gem videos about every aspect of creation.
I did some reviews on Creation Moments back in March and April of this year. These are very informative videos that last about a minute. The videos are very practical. Some of the older videos have a Bible verse, message or a prayer at the end. The ones I watched recently didn’t have a verse or prayer - I wish they did, as I think it was a very good idea.
I watched the following videos:
Ants Who Garden
This gives an amazing account of the role of ants in South America concerning a specific tree.
Walk on Water
An insect called the Strider walks on water, using its surface tension.
The Gift of Words
This highlights the built in language skills humans have and links it to the biblical account in Genesis about the tower of Babel.
Are Dinosaurs a Great Mystery?
A theory is presented about what really could have happened to the dinosaurs
Against All Odds
This video shows the amazing properties of our blood. Properties that evolutionists cannot explain.
The Most Complex Structure
I really like how God is called the manufacturer and the Bible is the manual for us - His product of creation.
Can You Spend Winter Outside?
This video challenges the information written in school textbooks about where human beings came from. If we evolved, then where is our preservation against the elements?
I really enjoyed watching another batch of these videos and I hope you will too!
I watched Creation Moments via their YouTube channel. You can also go to their website,, and look under resources and choose evidence videos. There are YouTube and Instagram links for each video.
Thank you for reading this review. Until next time - peace be with you.
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