KJV Bible Trivia for All Kids
This month’s book review is for KJV Bible Trivia for All Kids: 300 Old and New Testament Questions and Answers to Improve Bible Study
The Book Description
Do you struggle with memorizing the Bible and wish for an easy way to do it?
Keep reading to learn more….
You often hear that you need to read or study the bible, but every time you do, you can barely remember which Scripture you just read or what it said.
And you wonder how to memorize any Scripture, especially in the King James Version Bible.
You go to church, and your pastor reminds you how important it is to study and know your bible. And you try, but it's so tricky, especially since you must get up and rush off to school or work in the morning.
What better way to understand than to listen to KJV Bible Trivia for All Kids wherever you are, whenever you want, and satiate that desire to memorize Scripture and improve your Bible study?
In the KJV Bible Trivia for All Kids, you will discover,
That memorizing Scripture is not too hard after all
That Bible study can be so much fun
That there is so much you did not know in the Bible
That anybody can listen and learn from this trivia audiobook
That there is plenty to learn, and you have found most of it
And much more....
So if you want to memorize the Bible and have fun doing it, you should totally grab and listen to this audiobook today!
I have listened to several Bible trivia audio books and this was by far the best one, It has the Bible reference after almost every answer (they forgot the reference for question#70), and the answers and additional commentary are in line with the Word. There are some Bible trivia audio books out there that have blatant untruths in the forming of their questions and their answers, which explains why they have no Bible references to back it up. In one Bible trivia audio book, the flood was called a parable! Quite shocking! Thankfully, Dorte Walliam’s audio is truly Bible-based in the way the questions are formed and the answers given, which is why there are Bible references.
There were some questions that caught my attention. For example: Where do we go when we die? The answer was not straight to heaven. Dorte takes the answer straight from the Word, not misled cultural or religious beliefs.
Another question asked is what day the Sabbath is, and again the answer is taken straight from scripture, which is so refreshing, as there is so much confusion in the Christian community about the 4th commandment, because people are relying on man’s desire and wisdom and not on the Word of God.
We have other questions like: How old the is the world and how do we rob God?
The audio includes challenging tasks such as naming the books of the Old and New Testament in order - such great lessons!
The questions range from simple to quite challenging, and since it gives the Bible reference, you can go and double check the answer and even turn it into a study hour, which is what I did for the naming of the books. It was fun reviewing and writing the names down a few times to try and get all the names and the order correct.
There was one question which I have looked at in the past and continue to gather information on: Did Jesus baptize? Dorte’s answer is based on John 4:2, however I have found other verses that put the answer given into question. His question peeked my interest to research this topic a bit more. I still don’t have a definite answer, but the fun is in the process of digging into the Word to find out.
I have looked for other media made by Dorte Wallimas but haven’t been able to find anything. If you know more about him, then please feel free to drop me a line via info@renewedfaithmedia.com
This review audio says for ALL kids, which reminds me of Matthew 18:3 -
And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Dorte’s Bible Trivia audio book encourages us to approach the Word of God with the innocence of a child, being willing to learn and being humble with what we already know. I learned a lot about my Bible knowledge and was blessed by being submerged in the Word to discover Bible facts that I had overlooked, forgotten or given the impression of seeing for the first time.
This audio can be used in schools, institutions, colleges, work places, for home study, Sabbath school, general bible study - everywhere, because the Word should be everywhere. Psalm 1 says:
Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers,
2 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. 3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.
I listened to KJV Bible Trivia for All Kids: 300 Old and New Testament Questions and Answers to Improve Bible Study via www.audible.com
May the Lord bless you in your desire to put His Word in your heart.
Thank you for reading this review. Until next time - peace be with you.
NB! The link I list for the book review is not an endorsement of the publisher, bookshop, book club, etc.