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The Power of Media: Derek Morris Shares His Life Story

If you are reading this review on the Sabbath, then I would like to wish you a Sabbath filled with the confidence that God’s grace can restore and transform you, no matter what path you have walked on.  

This week’s review is for an interview, The Power of Media: Derek Morris Shares His Life Story.


Derek Morris, president of Hope Channel International, shares his life story with ANN Profiles.   ANN stands for Adventist News Network.  

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with the Seventh-day Adventist Church, however,  in John 10:16 - Jesus says, And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; and there will be one flock and one shepherd. So,  I don’t differentiate between Christian denominations.  I pray and review films and programs where I believe God leads me.

Back to the description:   Born to teen parents in post-war Europe, Christian upbringing and demonic interaction, Derek Morris strayed from God in adulthood. What brought him back?   Learn how God answered his prayers, provided financial aid for college, and led him to the ministry where he still works today, in media ministry. 


I will give a testimony about how God crossed my path with Derek Morris at the end of the podcast

This interview reminds me of the film I reviewed, The Power of the Air, and how media can be used for good or evil.  We can clearly see that Satan uses media to spread his lies, so as a Christian, it’s an honour to use media to spread the truth.  It’s amazing to see how God has been active in Derek’s life. His life story is filled with divine intervention and he gives all honour to God. Praise the Lord.   

As this is a testimony, I will just let it speak for itself, so I encourage you to go to the link and listen to the interview.  Before, you go, I’ll give my testimony of how God crossed my path with Derek Morris. 

I first came across Derek Morris through a Bible study program called Hope Sabbath School, back in 2016 when I was a member of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination.  I was a member of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination from 2016 - 2019.  I watched Hope Sabbath School every week, and used their study outline to lead Sabbath school study in my local church on Sabbath morning.  I really enjoyed watching Hope Sabbath School and learned a lot of scripture due to the scripture verses that were sung at the beginning of the study.   I continued to watch Hope Sabbath School throughout the years. The scripture songs are written by Derek and his wife, Bodil.  They are part of a singing group called, Trilogy Scripture Songs, which also includes Ashley Hold.   

Fast forward to 2021.

A few months before I knew that Renewed Faith Media ministry would be created, I purchased several albums made by Trilogy Scripture Songs.  I remember thinking that I had bought more songs than I could listen to.  

As you may or may not know, True to the Word is part of my ministry, Renewed Faith Meida, which also has an internet radio station called Sabbath Radio.  

Back in October 2021, God brought Renewed Faith Media to my mind. The blog and podcast were started first, then about a week later, the internet radio station, Sabbath Radio.  All without me ever having experience in producing a website, blog, podcast or internet radio station!

While I was setting up the radion station, God brought to my mind the reason for purchasing so many songs a few months before.  The Trilogy Scripture Songs would be the songs to provide enough music for the first couple of broadcasts! Praise the Lord!  I contacted Derek and his wife to ask them if I could use their music for Sabbath Radio and they graciously said yes. 

Another fun fact: Adison Wood is part of the Hope Sabbath School panel.  He sang on of the scripture songs, solo, a few times.  It was very apparent that he had been given the gift of singing by the Lord.  So years later, after Sabbath Radio was created, God brought him to mind and I reached out to ask permission to use his music, which Adison gave. Praise the Lord! 

God is truly amazing, isn’t he?

Watching Derrik Morris’ testimony and thinking back to how active God has been in my life, led to me updating a testimony document I have.  This document is so packed that I made a simpler version and even then, but even the simpler version was packed,  It would take me the rest of my life to write down all the ways the Lord has moved in my life. So I tried to just write the highlights and even then…!

Revelation 12:17 says, And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

I pray that we make ourselves willing to be transformed, daily, by God, through His Holy Spirit, so that we can keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ and be used to lead others to the truth.  This I pray, in Jesus’ name. Amen. 

I watched, The Power of Media: Derek Morris Shares His Life Story, on the ANN YouTube channel.

Thank you for reading this review.  Until next time - peace be with you.

Thumbnail: YouTube


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Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20


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