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Healing for a Broken World (Chapters 1-6)

If you are reading this review on the Sabbath, then I would like to thank the Lord for leading you to a Christian resource, developed for His glory.

This week’s review is for the 12 part series, Healing For a Broken World based on the book by Steve Monsma.


Many Christians desire to act as responsible citizens, but are uncertain how to do so in a truly Christian manner. This video series, consisting of 12 ten-minute segments, will help.

The first chapter is, Thinking About Public Policy - Our Starting Point.

Important questions were asked and reflected on.  Such as, where do we get our public policy views from?  Where should we get them from? 

Romans 12:2 was referenced: Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

William Wilberforce was given as an example of a Christian who was in the world, but not of the world. His faith was lifted up, as it led to decisions that significantly  impacted the slave trade. This has encouraged me to look more into William Wilberforce’s faith and work.

I was reminded of Jesus’ prayer in John 17:15-19

My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. 16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. 17 Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. 18 As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. 19 For them I sanctify myself, that they too may be truly sanctified.

I appreciated how they discouraged the compartmentalizing of our faith, because when we have God’s word as our absolute truth and authority, our faith affects everything.

A question was asked: what is the biggest threat in this world? What would you say that is?

Chapter 2 - Creation, Sin and Redemption

I like how emphasis was put on that God is the Creator, we have all fallen short of His glory and that everything we do, should be to the glory of God. 

Colossians 3:23-24, says, Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,  

Chapter 3 - Justice

Looks at God’s establishments: Marriage, church and government.  I like how scripture is referenced throughout the discussion. Some people may think that government has nothing to go with God, but His word says otherwise: Romans 13:1 was referenced - Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.

Steve is concise in paralleling what the Bible says and what is happening in our society, however, he is also quick to say that doing justice, thinking of the common good, is a complicated issue.  We are shown some great examples and hear reflections on a subject that is very hard to make concrete in a fallen world.

Chapter 4 - Solidarity

We hear a powerful testimony from a lady about her involvement in the resistance movement during World War II.

There is also a powerful reflection on Cain’s answer when God asks him where his brother is.  Am I my brother’s keeper? Genesis 4:9.  There is a good amount of reflection on what it is to be your brother’s keeper versus the individualism this world encourages us to have.

How does solidarity play out in this world?  What does it looks like in practical terms? This chapter shows some great reflection and insight, based on biblical principles.  It also looks at how to strike a balance between helping others and relying on the government for help.

Chapter 5 - Civil Society

This looks at all aspects of civil society: family, church and other institutions, such as homeschooling. 

I really appreciated the reflections on individual responsibility and reaching out to larger resources for help, when needed.  

Chapter 6 - Church and State

I found this chapter really challenging and that was mainly due to the reflections from the panel of people about how church and state should be separated.

In the new earth, there won’t be a separation - but then everything will be perfect.  In our fallen world, where government leaders do not look to God for guidance, it may well be better to have separate church and state.

There was a lot of reflection in this chapter and some of it was quite challenging and hard to digest. If we are not to compartmentalize our faith, then separating church and state on the practical level, would surely look different to some of the views being expressed. By the end of the chapter, my only concern was, “What would Jesus do?”

These six chapters are packed with biblical references, real issues, reflections and powerful testimonies. It has certainly challenged me to reflect on how I relate to public policy. I am looking forward to reviewing the next six chapters.

Thank you for reading this review.  Until next time - God’s peace be with you.

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There is Christian media out there that honours the Word of God - you just have to make a determined effort to pick and choose. RFM reviews are based on the films that have focus on the Bible and the Christian values we are supposed to live by, by God's grace.

Suggestions for film reviews

General Questions



Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20


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