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Review - Life After Abortion (documentary)

If you are reading this review on the Sabbath, then I would like to wish you a Sabbath filled with the grace of God, to do His will.

This week’s review is for the documentary, Life After Abortion.


Interviews with women who have gone through this trauma.

Life After Abortion is based on millions of true stories. The documentary starts off by showing Psalm 139:16, Your eyes saw my unformed body, all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. A powerful Bible verse that describes how God has plans for every baby He creates.

The documentary is packed with powerful testimonies from people who have experience with abortion from every angle: the women who chose abortion, former employees of abortion clinics, doctors, authors, parents and spouses of people who have chosen abortion. It’s quite extensive.

We get to hear how young girls and women were lied to by the institution they went to, to have their abortion. Former employees of abortion clinics explain on a deeper level the manipulative and destructive strategies used by employees in abortion clinics to convince people to go through with an abortion. It was all very heartbreaking to listen to. The main motivator of these clinics seemed to be money. One health worker had a frightening revelation on the strategy they used to increase the amount of abortions in their community, actively targeting high school girls.

The documentary is split into segments that details each aspect of abortion.

  • The Appointment

  • The Blob

  • The Abortionist

  • The Room

  • The Vacuum

  • The Pain

  • The Baby

  • The Impact

  • Suicidal Tendencies

  • The Deaths (which describes when procedures end up with the mother dying)

  • The Consequences (which contains testimonies from women who developed health issues due to going through an abortion)

  • The Choice

  • The Ultrasound

  • The Conversion

  • The Other Option (this includes a powerful testimony about a child conceived due to adultery)

  • The Professionals

  • The Recovery

  • Closing Thoughts

Towards the end of the documentary, a man said, “A powerful witness against abortion is a woman who has been deceived and speaks the truth, by the grace of God.”

This documentary, with all the different testimonies, is a powerful witness of people who have deceived or have been deceived by the lie of abortion. Starting from the first lie, that what is inside you is not a baby yet, to the last - that having an abortion is a decision that you won’t have to give a second thought to for the rest of your life.

Hearing the testimonies of people who have worked in abortion clinics really puts light on the sheer amount of evil behind the strategy to murder as many children as possible - to gain more money. However, the Bible tells us that this is not completely it, because Jesus called the devil the father of lies, who comes to steal and kill and destroy (John 8:44, John 10:10).

It’s astounding to learn that roughly 95% of the women going for an abortion would change their minds if they were shown the ultrasound. This would reveal that what is inside them is not a “blob” as the clinics describe, but a developing baby, that has a heartbeat, fingers, toes - all that it has towards the end of the pregnancy, but just on a smaller scale.

We hear powerful thoughts about how human life is downgraded by circumstances and how the value of life continues to be undermined, as the world spirals out of control, going swiftly towards the days of Noah, as the Bible warns in Matthew 24:37 and Luke 17:26.

We hear about the advancement in ultrasound and how it provides significant information for expecting mothers.

We are given lovely scripture verses that reference how God knows us before we are born. For example, Jeremiah 1:5.

One participant said, “God is the only one who can give life and the only one who should take life.”

A quote from Ronald Reagan was also shown, “Abortion is advocated only by persons who have themselves been born”.

In the midst of all the painful testimonies, the light of God, through Jesus Christ shines. People speak of how they gave their lives to Christ and were not only saved spiritually, but physically too, as some people giving testimony had tried to take their lives, due to the trauma of abortion.

Through it all, testimony of the merciful God we have shines through the promise of 1 John 1:9 - If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Thanks be to God, our Saviour, Healer and Deliverer, we are saved from our sins, through Jesus Christ, who came to earth to show us the unlimited forgiveness of God the Father.

Watching this documentary reminded me of how thankful I am for the forgiveness of God, for having an abortion when I was 19 years old. I am thankful that even in my weak sense of faith back then, I gave my regret, shame and emotional pain to God and in return, He forgave me and took the burden of sin away from me. That gift of amazing grace is only available because of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross - for every person, no matter what they have done. In Jesus Christ’s second coming, we have the hope of being reunited with loved ones we have known and lost, as well as our loved ones that we never met, because they were not given the chance to be born, due to abortion.

One participant said the church is a spiritual hospital - because everyone has a burden to share. Everyone has been affected by sin.

May we all ask God for His abundant grace to share with others, so that we can be part of the healing process - because after all, we all have the same shepherd - Jesus Christ.

The end of the film lists many organizations that have ministry in saving babies from abortion.

I watched, Life After Abortion, on the Christian Movies’ YouTube channel.

Thank you for reading this review. Until next time - peace be with you.

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1 Corinthians 6:19-20


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