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Review: God is at Work (Season 1 Episode 9: Prayer)

If you are reading this review on the Sabbath, then I would like to wish you a Sabbath filled with the knowledge that He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world - 1 John 4:4

This week’s review is for the docu-series God is at Work (Season 1, Episode 9: Prayer)


Meet Ludmilla in the Czech Republic and hear her story of prayer and faith. Plus, visit Joy in California who has spent her life engaging with her community in an effort to put faith into action. A group of former gang members and drug addicts take to the streets to see how God may want to use them and finally, a group, who are involved in a drive-thru prayer ministry.

Where is God working? This inspirational series takes you across the world to discover the answer. Each episode focuses on different themes and follows how God is using individuals to do His work. From the United States to across the globe, God is everywhere and his Spirit is moving. Be inspired and grow your faith with this heart-warming docu-series.

I really like how Ludmilla says that all believers are ambassadors of heaven.

2 Corinthians 5:20 says, Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.

Joy mentioned praying fifty two weeks for her community, before the vail of darkness that surrounded it was lifted. This is testimony that we have to be longsuffering in prayer, leaving the outcome to the Lord, being confident that He is working.

It was powerful how these disciples of Christ are consistent, present and up close and personal - Ludmilla mentions this approach as a reflection of Jesus Christ. This is true - the gospels reflect how Jesus was near to people. He spoke directly to people, allowed people to touch Him and touched people.

Joy prayed that she did not get ahead of the Lord or lag behind him, I have often prayed that prayer. It was powerful to see Joy and the rest of her team pray as they walked through the neighbourhood, armed with the Bible -the sword of the Spirit as it is called in Ephesian 6:17.

The drive-thru prayer team spoke of carrying one another’s burdens and hearing untold stories from people in their local community. It’s so interesting how the man who was called to start the drive-thru prayer ministry, admitted that prayer was something he didn't do well. This makes me think how God uses ministry to pull others closer to Him, but also to bless us with spiritual growth. We don’t have to fear when God takes us out of our comfort zone, because He will always give us what we need to get the job done. Philippians 4:19 says, And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

It was so inspiring to see how the former gang members stepped out in faith and prayed for God to lead them to people who needed prayer and an invitation to church services. To see them in action was a powerful testament to how God is at work.

This episode shows amazing things happening in communities. Prayer is powerful and when we pray, miracles happen (whether we see them or not), according to God’s timing and will. On a side note, I had an aunt who prayed for my faith and her prayer was answered ten years later. I caused a delay in the answer, due to my pride and refusal to reflection on what she was trying to tell me about the Lord. But the Lord is faithful to those who seek Him with all their hearts. My aunt did this on my behalf and so while it was delayed - my faith was restored. Thanks be to God, in Jesus’ name.

This episode shows how we are the hand our God. Blanketing hopelessness in prayer, as Joy put it.

There is more going on in this episode, so I highly recommend you watch it.

I watched God is At Work, on Vision Video’s YouTube channel.

Thank you for reading this review. Until next time - peace be with you.

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1 Corinthians 6:19-20


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