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Review: God is at Work (docu-series)

If you are reading this review on the Sabbath, then I would like to wish you a Sabbath filled with the power of God to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God.

This week’s review is for the docu-series God is at Work (Season 1, Episode 1: Teens and Kids)


How Alyssa lives her life as a blind teenager is inspirational. Plus, visit Dawn in California and Aviance in North Carolina to discover how theological lessons of patience, self-control, and sacrifice are a part of the blessings of Parenthood. Finally, a young girl and her friends in Thailand reveal a refreshing, creative, and bold faith.


Where is God working? This inspirational series takes you across the world to discover the answer. Each episode focuses on different themes and follows how God is using individuals to do His work.  From the United States to across the globe, God is everywhere and his Spirit is moving. Be inspired and grow your faith with this heart-warming docu-series.

I have not seen this series before, but after watching an episode in season 7, I decided to go back to season one, as this series looks like a gem!

Even though these people’s lives are quite different to my own, I was able to identify with them in several ways:  the main one being, our belief in God and Jesus Christ. In addition to that, I identified with Alyssa, who was born blind, in regards to being beautiful in the eyes of God, no matter what we think we look like on the outside. I identified with Dawn and Aviance on the challenge and precious gift of motherhood and the young teenagers in Thailand made me think of how we seek opportunities to talk about the Lord, by finding common ground with non-believers are those weaker in the faith.

I like the down to earth aspect of a docu-series.  We see the life of real people, in their everyday lives, who trust in the Lord, through their challenges and trials. Their testimonies are powerful and show that God is truly at work, all over the world.

NB! The podcast contains additional reflection of Bible verses in the footage of the school that Aviance’s daughters attend (John 7:37-39, Galatians 5:22-23, Matthew 6:7-13)

I will be doing more podcasts on episodes from this docu-series, just like I have done with other series like 7th Street Theatre - so stayed tuned for more reviews on God Is At Work.

In case you are wondering why a lot of my podcasts are based on You Tube based content, it’s mainly due to that content being free. Not everyone has the financial means to pay monthly subscription fees, even though people would like to support a ministry. 

So with that being said, I watched, God Is At Work, on Vision Video’s YouTube channel.

Thank you for reading this review.  Until next time - peace be with you.

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There is Christian media out there that honours the Word of God - you just have to make a determined effort to pick and choose. RFM reviews are based on the films that have focus on the Bible and the Christian values we are supposed to live by, by God's grace.

Suggestions for film reviews

General Questions



Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20


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