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Review: 7th Street Theater Series - Jamie's Brother

If you are reading this review on the Sabbath, then I would like to wish you a Sabbath filled with the knowledge that He who is in you is greater that He who is in the world (1 John 4:4).

This week’s review is for the 7th Street Theater episode, “Jamie’s Brother”.

7th Street Theater is a drama series about five Christian actors who perform a weekly stage show for their community. There are 3 Seasons in the series and a total of 64 episodes.

Jamie’s Brother, is in two parts. This review covers both episodes.


Part 1: Jamie’s brother comes to visit and brings with him a secret addiction

Part 2: A serious problem is discovered by one of the cast members and it has to be dealt with!

Jamie’s Brother, is a powerful portrayal of the pain, guilt and shame addiction brings. We see Gates model what a brother in-Christ should do in this type of situation. His advice is scripture based, for example, he references Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, and James 4:8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you

This episode made me think of what a great brother in-Christ Gates is.This character is the kind of friend any Christian would want.

I like how we are reminded of how Jesus was tempted in every way - yet He did not sin and that we, through Christ, can overcome our addictions.

There is also another focus in this episode, which has to do with standing up for our faith - no matter what the consequence. I really enjoyed the scenes and found the dialogue inspirational.

It was a blessing to watch another episode from the high quality, Christ centered series, 7th Street Theater.

I watched, the episode, “Jamie’s Brother” on the Christian Movies YouTube Channel.

Thank you for reading this review. Until next time - peace be with you.

Film source: Christian Movies YouTube Channel

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There is Christian media out there that honours the Word of God - you just have to make a determined effort to pick and choose. RFM reviews are based on the films that have focus on the Bible and the Christian values we are supposed to live by, by God's grace.

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Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20


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