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God's Compass

Produced by Scotty Curlee, Stephan Schultze and directed by Stephan Schultze.

The plot is as follows:

Find your true North

Suzanne Waters has just passed the baton as the principal of the local high school. Having spent a lifetime teaching life lessons, the journey into retirement is about to bring her one of her greatest lessons. Her lesson plan will come from a troubled young man, Eli, as she invests in his life.

Suzanne also becomes a first-time grandmother, and the new life of the baby brings renewed hope to the family as each member discovers their core value in God's path for their lives. As Suzanne reflects back on her life of faithfulness, we are reminded that there are no accidents in God's Kingdom, no chance meetings, no purposeless steps taken.

The Plot

Does the plot glorify God?

Yes, it does. It acknowledges that God sets the path. It also acknowledges that there are no accidents, chance meetings or decisions that have no purpose - as God’s Kingdom is at work in our lives every day,

Does the film content glorify God through His Word: Use of Bible verses and adhere to His commandments?

  • Scripture verses Philippians 1:6 and John 3:16 were hanging from the ceiling in the outreach centre.

  • Proverbs 3:5,6 was shown at the end of the film.

  1. Promotes God as the only God

    1. Headmistress Waters’ speech at her send off into retirement.

      1. God has plans for each student

    2. Mrs Waters told Eli, the troubled young man, that she believed God had crossed their paths.

    3. The Pastor’s comment about what someone had told him: God does not choose us because we are confident in what He needs us to do, He chooses us because He knows what we are capable of doing. This reminds me of Jeremiah 1:7-8 and Philippians 4:13.

    4. Mrs Waters mentions she will get a prayer chain going for her grandson.

    5. Mrs Waters boldly told the judge that God had crossed her path with the troubled young man, Eli.

    6. The family’s prayer to the Lord in their hour of need.

  2. Promotes being free from idols or refrain from promoting idols

    1. Mrs Waters’ son had his job as an idol. He put it before God, and his wife - most importantly before God. He also allowed his work as a doctor to define him.

  1. Honours parents or refrains from promoting dishonour of parents?

    1. Mrs Waters’ conversation with her son about letting himself into her home with a key. Her son excused what he did by telling her that he wanted to keep her safe.. Her son also crosses the boundary another time, and Mrs Waters gives him, “the mother look” - and he backs down, out of his respect for her.

  2. Speak against theft or refrain from promoting theft?

    1. The young man’s attempt to steal a car was depicted in a negative light and he experienced harsh consequences for his actions.

  3. Speak against lies or refrain from promoting lies?

    1. The lying in the film was depicted in the correct light. Even though Eli had very difficult circumstances, his lying was not condoned.

Question: What Christian standards does the film convey?

  • Scripture alone

    • There is a scene where Mrs Waters is reading her Bible.

    • There is a scene where Jessica (MrsWaters’ daughter in-law) has fallen asleep on the floor of their baby’s bedroom, reading her Bible.

  • Salvation through Christ alone (does not promote good works)

    • Mrs Waters tells Eli that God wants to help him but he has to put his trust in Jesus

    • John 3:16 hanging from the ceiling in the outreach centre. John 3:16 emcompasses Christ’s sacrifice and our salvation through Christ.

  • Biblical marriage

    • Mrs Waters calls her son’s wife, “his bride”, showing the acknowledgement and respect she has for their marriage.

    • Mrs Waters’ told her son that his wife, Jessica, was his priority - over his job and adhering to scripture that says on this earth, marriage is our first priority (Genesis 2:24, Mark 10:6-9), besides Jesus Christ and God the Father.

  • Husband as the head in his home and the local church

    • Mrs Waters’ son was not the spiritual leader in his marriage (he often doubted God). His doubt changes somewhat throughout the film, but you don’t see him blossom into a spiritual leader of the home. Nevertheless, because of Jessica’s faith, she has submission and respect for her husband. She fits into the biblical role of her husband’s helper, not overshadowing her husband.

  • Recognition of the value of life and blessing in children

    • The new headmistress calls Mrs Waters’ soon to be title of grandmother, an accomplishment.

    • The young man who was going to rob a car, decided not to abandon the pregnant woman, who was going into labour, even though she reacted to his initial actions of breaking into the car, by punching him on the nose. In fact, it was determined that he saved the mother’s and baby’s life by getting them to hospital straight away. When asked why, he said it was the right thing to do.

  • Recognition of the body as the temple of God

    • Mrs Waters comments on her son’s choice of food at the hospital (he is a doctor). She said no wonder people get sick and are overweight. He had a burger with fries for lunch. She had a healthy lunch.

    • One scene shows Mrs Waters making healthy food for dinner for Eli. These examples come to mind because what we eat is connected to the health of our bodies, the temple of the Holy Spirit.

Question: Does the film give glory and honour and thanks to God?

  • Mrs Waters shows her gratitude to God throughout the film

  • There is a scene where an outreach worker thanks the Lord for the facility they have. He said the Lord had been really good to them,

  • There is a conversation between Mrs Waters and the outreach worker - the worker said he was blessed when she said his church had been so helpful.

Question: Did the film encourage my faith? Yes.

  • It shows that if we have our foundation in Christ and accept that we belong to God the Father (who we serve through Christ), then through His word and prayer, we are hopefully able to consistently determine the will of the Father.

  • Mrs Waters was unsure, but the Holy Spirit moved her along and she complied, through faith.

  • It shows our ability to help people who come from very different places in life. God gives us the tools to help them, to His glory.

  • It encourages me to stand by my faith, prayer, Word of God, the relationship that we have with God the Father, through Jesus Christ even when people around us, who may have less faith, doubt our actions.

  • The significance of Bible-based fellowship and counsel was depicted through the relationship Mrs Waters had with her Pastor and her daughter in-law. These relationships are vital for praying together, reading scripture and obtaining biblical advice.

Question: What actions did I do, as a result of seeing the film?

  • This film caused me to reflect on how God uses us in many different ways, and with people that we, as sinful people, can easily think we cannot help.

Question: Would I change anything about the film?

  • The conversation between Mrs Waters and the Pastor - they were laughing about an incident with a Christmas tree in the church. Christmas is not biblical, so I would omit this.

  • The image of what is supposed to be Christ in the window of the church. Lots of churches do this, but the 2nd commandment says we are not to make images of heavenly things. So if I could, I would omit that window.


God’s Compass is about stepping out in faith and trusting that God can use you in any situation, according to His Will and for His glory. The film shows the harsh realities of living in a sinful world and how God’s love, grace and mercy can see people through, if they put their trust in Him.

Thank you very much for reading this review. Until next time - peace be with you.

NB! The links I reference for my films is the source I used, but it is not an endorsement of the entire film streaming company. I am sure this particular film can be found on various digital streaming companies.

Source for film thumbnail:


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There is Christian media out there that honours the Word of God - you just have to make a determined effort to pick and choose. RFM reviews are based on the films that have focus on the Bible and the Christian values we are supposed to live by, by God's grace.

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Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20


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