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The Heavens Declare: Part 11 (The Space Race)

Updated: Dec 3, 2022

This week’s review is for the program, “The Heavens Declare: Part 11, The Space Race,” which is created, hosted and produced by Kyle Justice from Awesome Science Media.

Featured Experts: Dr. Danny Faulkner, Dr. Jason Lisle, Dr. Russ Humphreys, Dr. Don DeYoung and Spike Psarris.


The experts explore what space exploration did for showcasing God’s universe.

In this episode the experts explore the history of the American Space Program and how it glorifies God to search out the heavens. They also explore how evolution motivates scientists to search for alien life, which they will never find because God made the earth the center of His creation.

It was wonderful to hear in this episode how the Apollo Astronauts read Genesis 1 and had communion in space. I didn’t know that, but then again, when I saw the size of the coverage of that in the newspaper article they showed, it makes sense. It didn’t make front page news, let’s put it that way.

I like what Psarris had to say about space exploration: Humanity would be better served exploring space for the purpose of glorifying its Creator, instead of than propping up humanistic views of the origins of life.

The other experts also discussed how they viewed the Space Program. It’s inspiring to hear why they think Christians should support the Space Program.

Dr. DeYoung mentions resources in space again, and I like how he ponders about whether they were meant for now - or in the new Earth. I wondered about that too and made a comment about that in the previous podcast episode.

There are so many interesting discussions in this episode. There is talk about the medical advances that have been made, due to experiments done in space. We get to hear the testimonies of some of the experts who remember the Apollo Moon Landing in 1969. Danny Faulkner, Russ Humphreys, DeYoung and Psarris. When you watch this episode, listen out for the story Dr. Danny Faulkner has about the moon landing and the missing Bonanza episode - too funny!

Dr. DeYoung gives some good advice concerning the notion that the moon landing is a hoax. I dabbled with the idea myself in the past, for a minute, then forgot about it. I was reminded of it when I watched this series, the first time around, and pretty much dismissed the notion of it being a hoax after that. I think it’s good to question things, but it’s also important to not get caught up in theories that have little or no substance.

There is an interesting discussion about man versus robotic missions, the Hubble Space telescope and what the Hubble telescope has uncovered concerning origins of life.

The experts revisit if Christians should support the Space Program - a great discussion about how the motivations of the Space Program has changed since the 1960s. Which leads to another discussion about other life forms in the universe. I like the question the experts ask: If evolution is true - where is everyone?

Psalm 115:16 and Isaiah 45:12 are referenced, during the discussion about alien lifeforms.

Psalm 115:16

The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord’s; But the earth He has given to the children of men.

Isaiah 45:12

I have made the earth, And created man on it.

I—My hands—stretched out the heavens,

And all their host I have commanded.

The experts give various scripture based testimonies to the uniqueness of Earth and its inhabitants.

The experts revisit the topic about whether space should be explored, based on the account of God giving man dominion over the earth

Dr. Russ Humprey’s says, “God hasn’t said we can’t.”

Have you ever thought what inventions God approves of?

Were we made to have certain things? Are there things we were never meant to invent? For example, what does God think about passenger planes? He hasn’t said we can’t - but I wonder.

Psarris references Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter.

Dr. Jason Lisle also have something to say about the matter (all the experts have something to say about the matter).

What’s clear is that our God fearing experts want to explore space for the glory of God. May the Lord bless them all in their ministries.


Episode 11, The Space Race, is yet another packed episode of beautiful visuals, scripture, inspiring testimonies and interesting facts and theories - all giving glory to God. As Dr. DeYoung said, Christians have the best reason to explore space.

For those who have accepted the gift of salvation, through Jesus Christ - there is an eternity ahead to explore what God has made for His creation. Revelation 22:20-21 says, He who testifies to these things says, “Surely, I am coming quickly.” Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

Thank you for reading this review.

Source for film thumbnail:

Film source: Christian Movies channel on YouTube

NB! The links I reference for the source of the material for my reviews is not an endorsement of the entire film streaming channel or company.

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