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Program Review: Creation Moments - Season 3 (Part 1)

Hi everyone, if you reading this on the Sabbath, then I’d like to wish you a glorious Sabbath, filled with God’s peace.

True to the Word is continuing with our science thread for our program reviews. There is so much wonderful media out there that shows us the beauty and function of God’s creation. It truly is a joy to watch them to learn about God’s works and worship Him, for His works and character. We are continuing with that gem I found - a three season series called Creation Moments. It’s a huge batch of two min videos about all aspects of God’s creation. We have progressed onto the third season, which is about a variety of subjects, that gives the glory to our Heavenly Father. Please join me as I review the first half of the third season of Creation Moments.

Your Busy Brain

This about the most complex and busiest organ. It burns so many calories it is deemed as exhausting as a workout! I really like how this episode is tied to the forgiveness of sins through Jesus and eternal life

Winged Warriors

This episode is about butterflies and the increase in knowledge about some of the functionality of their wings.

Your Body’s 100,000 Sentries

This episode is about sentries or as the narrator called them, tiny doctors, in our body that take care of discovering and healing diseases. I was reminded to be so thankful for all of the background work going on in my body - courtesy of our Heavenly Father.

The narrator mentions being fearfully and wonderfully made, which is from Psalm 139:14.

The Original Antibiotic

In this episode, the narrator references Genesis 1:28, that tells mankind to subdue the earth, as in to govern, take charge of it. This episode highlights a natural non-toxic antibiotic our Creator has given us.

Those Amazing Ants

How many ants are there? I knew there were a lot, but I can’t wrap my mind around this figure - 10 million, billion! This episode is filled with great facts about how ants help soil, the structure of their society - giving all glory to the creativity and wisdom of our Creator.

The Sun, Moon and Stars

The narrator references Psalm 8:3-4

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,

the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,

4 what is man that you are mindful of him,

and the son of man that you care for him?

This episode is about the awesome power of God reflected in the heavens and connects it very well to the incomprehensible love of God for His creation.

The Brainy Jellyfish

It’s amazing how we can label things as simple based on what we see. This episode is about the complexity of the jellyfish. The narrator ended the episode with this interesting thought - man often deems something simple when he has little understanding of it.

The Efficient Fish

This episode has amazing facts on the precision of the way fish were created, from their elegant design, to solutions for their simple needs and the wisdom behind the location of their organs - which were all put perfectly in place, the first time, fully functional - by our Creator. Praise the Lord!

The Mystery of Octopus Intelligence

I learned so much more than I knew about the octopus! Simply fascinating how the Lord has accounted for everything! Here we learn how the octopus is able to survive in various habitats and on a variety of food sources.

The Bat’s Special Radar Design

This is about how God has built the bat with special muscles for the power of its radar system

The Amazing Mosquito Hawk

This episode is all about the dragon fly and the facts will amaze you!

For example - how big was the fossilized dragon fly they found? The answer was shocking!

Take Your Chocolate Medicine

I really liked how this episode connected the health benefits of chocolate and

our salvation in Jesus Christ - which is the focus of everything.

The Bare Bones Facts

Another episode with wonderful facts about the human body. I don’t know about you, but even though I don’t mean to - I take a lot for granted!

Season Three didn’t disappointed. It was filled with another batch of wonderful videos, all giving glory to God and His creation and there are more to come, so stayed tuned!

Until next time - peace be with you.

Program source and thumbnail:,





There is Christian media out there that honours the Word of God - you just have to make a determined effort to pick and choose. RFM reviews are based on the films that have focus on the Bible and the Christian values we are supposed to live by, by God's grace.

Suggestions for film reviews

General Questions



Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20


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